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Term of Use

Terms of Use Last updated: 08/11/2023 Dear visitor, please carefully read this terms of use agreement before visiting our website meetupexpress.com, mozared.com, takvims.com, randevusitesi.com, randevuservisi.com, mozared.online, randevuservisi.xyz, randevuexpress.com, randevuexpress.xyz, randevusitesi.xyz, meetupexpress.xyz, takvims.xyz. Your access to the site is entirely based on your acceptance of this agreement and compliance with the terms set forth herein. If you do not agree to any condition in this agreement, please terminate your access to the site. By continuing to access the site, you will be deemed to have unconditionally and unrestrictedly accepted the entire text of this agreement. The website meetupexpress.com, mozared.com, takvims.com, randevusitesi.com, randevuservisi.com, mozared.online, randevuservisi.xyz, randevuexpress.com, randevuexpress.xyz, randevusitesi.xyz, meetupexpress.xyz, takvims.xyz is managed by MOZARED and will hereinafter be referred to as the 'SITE.' These Terms of Use for the site come into effect upon publication. The right to make changes unilaterally belongs to the SITE, and all our users are deemed to have accepted these changes from the beginning, as they will be shared and updated on the SITE. Privacy Privacy is regulated on a separate page to establish the principles of processing your personal data by us. By using the SITE, you acknowledge that the processing of this data is carried out in accordance with the privacy policy. Scope of Services As meetupexpress, we are entirely free to determine the scope and nature of the services we provide within the framework of the law. Changes to the services will be deemed effective upon publication on the SITE. Copyrights MOZARED is the owner of all content published on the SITE, including text, code, graphics, logos, images, audio files, and the software used (hereinafter referred to as 'content'), and all rights are reserved. Reproduction or copying of site content without written permission is strictly prohibited. General Provisions - All users commit to using the SITE only for lawful and personal purposes and undertake not to engage in any activity that would infringe upon the rights of third parties. Users are solely responsible for the legal and criminal liabilities of their actions and transactions on the SITE. The SITE bears no direct and/or indirect responsibility for any damages incurred or that may be incurred by third parties due to these actions and transactions. - We make every effort to ensure the accuracy and currency of the information available on the SITE. However, despite our efforts, this information may lag behind actual changes, and there may be some differences. Therefore, no explicit or implicit guarantee is given by us regarding the accuracy and currency of the information on the site, and no commitment is made. - The SITE may contain hyperlinks to other websites, applications, and platforms operated by third parties, and whose content is unknown to us. The SITE only facilitates access to these sites and accepts no responsibility for their content. - While we strive to keep the SITE free from viruses, we do not guarantee the complete absence of viruses. Therefore, users are responsible for taking necessary precautions against viruses or any malicious programs, codes, or materials that may cause harm during data downloads. - We do not guarantee that there will be no faults or errors in the services offered on the SITE, or that the services or any part thereof will be provided without interruption. We reserve the right to terminate your access to the SITE and its services or any part thereof at any time without prior notice. Limitation of Liability Our liability for damages arising from the use of the SITE is limited to intentional misconduct and gross negligence. In the event of a breach of the agreement, the total compensation that can be claimed is limited to foreseeable damages. The above-mentioned limitations of liability do not apply in cases of harm to human life, bodily injury, or damage to a person's health. In all cases legally considered as force majeure, we will have no liability for delay, non-performance, or default. Dispute Resolution: In the resolution of any disputes arising from the application or interpretation of this Agreement, Turkish Republic laws apply; Bursa Courts and Execution Offices have jurisdiction.

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